Key Strengths Are Ones You Enjoy

Key Strengths Are Ones You Enjoy

What are you really good at? Motivating others? The numbers? Tech systems? Negotiating? Key strengths are ones you most enjoy using. And to focus building on to make stronger. Your limitations only need your focus when in order to delegate or outsource what you...
The Other Side of Crisis is Opportunity

The Other Side of Crisis is Opportunity

The other side of crisis… is opportunity. I’m training into Manhattan to attend the National Speakers Association presentation on intellectual property. And my thoughts turned to the current Corona virus crisis. Of course. And I thought… Many solutions to every...
Some Trees and Plants NEED a Fire to Regenerate

Some Trees and Plants NEED a Fire to Regenerate

Some trees and plants NEED a fire to regenerate. And some businesses need a huge disruption to regenerate. Some trees can survive a fire no matter how intense. Some businesses can too. The sun shines on both without preference. The ecology of business is reborn with...
We All Need “Reality” Models

We All Need “Reality” Models

We all need “reality” models. To guide us into best practices that work. If we look closely at what the current reality is. We suspect that returning to “business-as-usual” is a model we need to question. So what is the reality we need to create? Adaptable, resilient...