What are you really good at? Motivating others? The numbers? Tech systems? Negotiating? Key strengths are ones you most enjoy using. And to focus building on to make stronger. Your limitations only need your focus when in order to delegate or outsource what you don't...


Are You Listening?
An unexpected opportunity to listen and learn was irresistible yesterday. From a key person in my business, I learned something important about myself that I didn’t really know before. I stopped and stayed open to their feedback. Be an active listener. Be open to...
Having High-Voltage Energy to Focus on My Business Dream is a Strength
Having high-voltage energy to focus on my business dream is a strength. And can also drain my creative pool of energy. Time management is really about focusing energy, not time. Time literally expands when we use strengths that energize. Do you know which of your...
The Other Side of Crisis is Opportunity
The other side of crisis… is opportunity. I’m training into Manhattan to attend the National Speakers Association presentation on intellectual property. And my thoughts turned to the current Corona virus crisis. Of course. And I thought... Many solutions to every...
Some Trees and Plants NEED a Fire to Regenerate
Some trees and plants NEED a fire to regenerate. And some businesses need a huge disruption to regenerate. Some trees can survive a fire no matter how intense. Some businesses can too. The sun shines on both without preference. The ecology of business is reborn with...
The Promise You Break to Yourself Makes it Too Easy to Break Others
The promise you break to yourself . . . makes it too easy to break others. The start of my day is a little before 6 am. Mostly. IF I’m in bed reading my latest book by 10 pm. Otherwise, I lose 1-2 extra hours of total clarity in the morning. Regardless of the number...
We All Need “Reality” Models
We all need “reality” models. To guide us into best practices that work. If we look closely at what the current reality is. We suspect that returning to “business-as-usual” is a model we need to question. So what is the reality we need to create? Adaptable, resilient...
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions
Decisions, decisions, decisions. Every day we - along with our fellow humans - make about 35,000 remotely conscious decisions. Every decision, no matter how minuscule, has a consequence. Phew, that’s a LOT of consequences. We can’t and shouldn’t worry about 34,996...
Being Entrepreneurial = Being a Magician
Being entrepreneurial = being a magician. For every business dream, we business owners realize, two more materialize. Like magic. Rabbits out of a hat. And encourages we business owners to surprise and delight with our products. And fresh ways to amaze our audience....
The Eyes of the World Are On You
The eyes of the world are on you . . .Small business owner. And also rooting for our creativity. In always being able to turn an economy around. As small business owners You’re the world’s largest employer. And your strength and growth counts. Now more than ever. What...
Happy Friday!
Happy Friday! Yes! And what if you could say the same thing on Monday morning. Would you? Could you? Should you? I'd like to say Yes, Yes and Yes. More Often than I do. How about you? Did You? Over the weekend relax into reflection, release the "energy drainers"...
There’s a Lot to Take In Right Now
There’s a lot to take in right now. And the learning curve seems to get steeper and steeper. How you capture opportunity from the grip of current disruptions - Is critical to you living the life you’re meant to live. And to the success of the business or profession...
The Long View
The long view. Pulls us out of the immediate . . . and reminds us where we thought we were going. Take the long view and check in with yourself. As your mind rests on the big picture away from the demands of the “dailies”. As you take the long view . . .has your...
Did You Win the Lottery Today?
Did you win the lottery today? I did. If we woke up this morning healthy. We just won millions. And can now invest our health in "what’s next" . In our lives, our business, our families and communities. Have you made a deposit in your “health” investment account?...
Business Success = Business Recess
Business Success = Business recess. Recess temporarily gives us business owners a space to reflect, think, play, create New possibilities. Unless you fill this gift of space with a too tight clutch on - the way things were. Let fresh insights flow instead. Allow...
How to Best Use Your Strengths?
If you don’t know what your strengths are, you may be unconsciously hammering them into every professional and personal situation. Did you know that an overused strength is often our greatest weakness? Are you perhaps "hammering" the chance for your team or family to...