What You Got …
Do the challenges you face during the day make you toss and turn . . . at night?
Stresses can come from business challenges or financial concerns . . .
or difficult circumstances at home . . .
or perhaps a combination of all three.

What if? …
You could wake up feeling totally inspired and energized to take on the day.
What if there was a clear and sensible path that leads to a future you most desire.

Executive on the run Business-Life Programs
Life Circles
Learning-Decision Making Profile
100 Days to Action
About Dianne Parker
Being an entrepreneur is in my DNA.
It’s the most creative way to be autonomous, economically independent and dynamically impact the world you want to live in.
Which is why, as a serial entrepreneur, I love working with entrepreneurs (professionals, business owners and others with an entrepreneurial mindset).

Learn More About Dianne
At 25 years old, I borrowed $1,500 from my parents to buy a retail store in the Bronx from two women retiring from business. Turning around a limping business into a thriving handmade jewelry and craft store – Folkart Bazaar – was the kind of challenge I was looking for. Seizing on the new rage for house plants and tapping into the international craft market provided a significant steady cash flow.
This cash flow and the disruptive opportunities in the first business propelled me to take another risk to give birth to my next business – Dianne Parker & Assocs. Building on the growth and challenges of the first business strengthened my entrepreneurial muscles.
Cutting a new path as one of the first woman in the male dominated landscape design/build industry helped me make the front page of the New York Post. And attracted the interest of the Fortune 100 and 500 clients who we served for the 10 years before I sold the company.
In the 10th year of growth and success …as part of my DNA I started asking what’s next?
Through networking and intense business community involvement . . . was offered the position of first founding director of economic development for the community of Huntington NY. This rewarding position afforded me the opportunity to guide and impact other entrepreneurial minded professionals and business owners in their growth.
Key projects included creating a community leadership development program – Leadership Huntington. And The Dolan Family Health Center, which serves an economically diverse community. And two near site corporate childcare centers to meet the needs of professional working parents. As well as significant other community development projects focused on economically strengthening the community.
My current company – Executive on the run – embodies all of this experience.
Yes, I have studied: financial accounting and business. Yes, I’m an avid reader of other experts, and greatly impacted by working with mentors. Yes, I’ve interwoven my personal and entrepreneurial experiences to create the mentoring approach integrated into my programs and services. And now I am totally engaged in working and partnering with other entrepreneurial business owners and professionals like you. My trademarked Action Programs and Services guide you clients into meaningful and profitable answers to your “What’s Next?”.

What's the Next Best Step?
Reaching your goals and managing your challenges is realistic and achievable.
Those that meet with me refer to the experience as life-changing.
Let’s have a conversation about where you want to go . . .